Sunday, September 10, 2023

9 September 2023 Hiawatha Turners Club Meeting and Demo

As with every meeting there are bring backs and Show-and-Tell items.

On the far end of the table are the bring back items that are auctioned off at the end of the classroom portion of the meeting.  Here, Tom Stawiarski has his tickets for the auction. 

Besides the large section of wood to be auctioned off there are two of Jim Rutledge's carved wood feathers and an egg he made.   More on that later.  Sam Steffen donated a golden egg.

 There was a good turn out for the September Club meeting.  

The attendees are listening to opening remarks from club president Steve Promo.

One of the things that Steve talked about was a woven basket he purchase because he like the shape and wanted to see if he could make one out of wood.  Jim Rutledge often makes bowls that look like woven baskets, so this woven basket will give Steve a new concept in bowl design. 

This is the woven basket that Steve found that he like the shape and color.

At the last meeting the challenge was for everyone to make an egg and these are some of the results. 

Here are some more of the eggs members turned.  

 Jim Rutledge explained that the egg on the right was turned, parted in half and then hallowed to a wall thickness of 1/16 of an inch.  A special drill was used to put the holes in the walls.  

  Here are Sam Steffen's items and discussion of the items.

Jim Rutledge made an egg and added a carved chick breaking out.

Jim is an expert carver and here is his discussion of his projects.

Here are some of the other discussion which were very informative.

Finally, we adjourned to the shop to see how Jim Rutledge makes the copper tops for his boxes.