Saturday, January 5, 2013


This morning was the January meeting of the Hiawatha Woodturning Club.  Below are 2 pictures taken at the meeting.  One is the show and tell table and the other is a snapshot of Gary Weiermiller leading a discussion on orienting turnings within logs.

It was another great meeting and most if not everyone benifited from Gary's talk on orientations for different turnings.  Thank you Gary.  Oh..... the coffee and snacks were great !

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bird House

I am sitting here in the passenger seat with nothing better to do while DW takes a turn at the wheel.
Below is a birdhouse turned from Osage Orange and maple.
I have tried my hand at full sized houses too. I have 2 that are hanging in my shop waiting for a few more coats of finish. Both the miniature version pictured and the full sized ones were completed following the methods outlined in Steve Promo's demos


Below are 2 pictures of a bird feeder that I made by recycling a Christmas tree.
The feeder is made from the trunk of a tree from a few years ago.
It is turned to shape and then 1 1/4 " holes are drilled to a depth of about 3/4" and the dowels are added for a perch.
The holes are packed with nutty peanut butter. The birds love it during the colder weather.
They can be turned from dry stock or green.