Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lathe for sale

I am selling my current lathe.  Pictures are below.

This is a variable speed lathe with a rotating headstock.  The headstock will lock in any position and is pinned for over the bed location.

It has the following specs:
Turing length max......................38"
Bowl Diameter max ................. 15 1/2 over bed
                                    ............... 20 " outboard
Spindle taper ............................. 2MT
Spindle thread ............................ 1" -8
Tail Stock Taper ........................  2MT
Motor  ....................................... 120/240V 12/6 amps currently 240V
Speed range 400- 2000 rpm variable speed via expanding/contracting pulleys
Indexing spindle head , 24 holes 15 degs apart

Included are the stand, live center, 4 prong drive center, 6" tool rest, 12" tool rest, and knockout bar,

Asking $500.00
email for more info

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June mtg

Below is a  snapshot of the show and tell table from yesterday's meeting. 
Tom Cadwalader did a demo on decorating turnings with the decorating Elf tool from Henry Taylor Tools.