Thursday, October 1, 2020

Steve Promo mades some mathing spindles in September.

Steve Promo has been working on another kitchen project. He has built all the cabinets and an island.  Front of island has a wide overhang of granite countertop.  Steve laminated 1" thick by 4" wide cherry boards to make 4"x4" spindle blanks about 3 ft long.  Below are some some his spindle sketches and he chose one he thought was simple yet most pleasing.  He turned both posts on 29 September and oiled them.  

The spindle design on the far right was chosen by Steve as the best.
The blank is mounted between centers and turned from both ends.

The finished first spindle.
The second spindle next the first but not completed.
The final two finished spindles by Steve Promo.  Another great turning.  Well done Steve.

Steve Promo's July Project

 Steve had a project to turn knobs for a customer.  He created a large number of cherry blanks to turn from. 

He turned some knobs using a home made plywood screw chuck.   
After turning a number of different knobs he put samples on a board for the customer to choose from.  then he could go back to the lathe and turn from his stash of prepared blanks. 
Photos taken 6/23/20 by Steve Promo.  Well done Steve.  Thanks for the input.