Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jewelry Boxes by Tom Cadwalader

I thought I would post a few pictures of my most recent projects.
Both projects are lidded jewelry boxes.  Both boxes are turned have a walnut bottom piece and a maple top.  The knobs are both turned from walnut and one has a natural stone cabochons inset in the knob.  The stone is a 25 mm ( 1" ) leopard jasper stone from Africa.
Both boxes are about 8 1/2 " in diameter and one is about 3 " tall and the other is more like 4"
The inside of the boxes are lined  with a wine colored flocking material.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2 Pieces by Tom Cadwalader

Vase is from maple and is about 6 inches tall and about 4 1/2 wide at the widest point.

This vessel is done form spalted white birch and is 7" x 2 1/2"

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hollowing Red Oak

Click Here for video

Above is a link to a short video of a different way to hollow a section of red oak.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer projects

I havent been posting lately, but I have been turning.
Below are examples of using the coins we picked up in the National Park visitor center gift shops.  While on out 7 week Southwest RV  trip this spring we bought these coins at various parks we visited. I then found turning projects I could use them in.

The lidded box is about 5" x 2 1/2" and is turned from Mesquite and the inside is flocked.

The bottle stoppers are Mesquite and Cocobolo

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A turning by Steve Promo

Steve Promo sent me some pictures from a recent turning he had done.  Below are pictures from a platter Steve turned from a spruce burl.
I thought the piece was pretty interesting,  The tree trunk ended up being the handles for the platter.
Pretty cool I thought.  Must have been a challenge to turn, but being spruce I'll bet the shop smelled pretty good while he was turning the piece !

Friday, July 12, 2013

Duplicator for Lathe

Below is a link to a very short video featuring a Craftsman Copy Crafter  (duplicator).  This duplicator was an option for the lathe in the previous post.  Any reasonable offer accepted.

Copy Crafter Video

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lathe for sale

I am selling my current lathe.  Pictures are below.

This is a variable speed lathe with a rotating headstock.  The headstock will lock in any position and is pinned for over the bed location.

It has the following specs:
Turing length max......................38"
Bowl Diameter max ................. 15 1/2 over bed
                                    ............... 20 " outboard
Spindle taper ............................. 2MT
Spindle thread ............................ 1" -8
Tail Stock Taper ........................  2MT
Motor  ....................................... 120/240V 12/6 amps currently 240V
Speed range 400- 2000 rpm variable speed via expanding/contracting pulleys
Indexing spindle head , 24 holes 15 degs apart

Included are the stand, live center, 4 prong drive center, 6" tool rest, 12" tool rest, and knockout bar,

Asking $500.00
email for more info

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June mtg

Below is a  snapshot of the show and tell table from yesterday's meeting. 
Tom Cadwalader did a demo on decorating turnings with the decorating Elf tool from Henry Taylor Tools.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Found a Great Gallery

Fellow Turners,

Gloria and I are traveling in the southwest by RV this spring.  We are currently in Sedona Arizona and we visited some art galleries today.  ONe of the galleries was almost all wood art and had a lot of great turnings.  I was so impressed by some of the work that I searched for the galleries website and thought I would share it with other turners.

click here to visit the website

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February meeting

Below are pics from the show and tell table at the February meeting.
Some great work, wouldn't you say.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


This morning was the January meeting of the Hiawatha Woodturning Club.  Below are 2 pictures taken at the meeting.  One is the show and tell table and the other is a snapshot of Gary Weiermiller leading a discussion on orienting turnings within logs.

It was another great meeting and most if not everyone benifited from Gary's talk on orientations for different turnings.  Thank you Gary.  Oh..... the coffee and snacks were great !

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bird House

I am sitting here in the passenger seat with nothing better to do while DW takes a turn at the wheel.
Below is a birdhouse turned from Osage Orange and maple.
I have tried my hand at full sized houses too. I have 2 that are hanging in my shop waiting for a few more coats of finish. Both the miniature version pictured and the full sized ones were completed following the methods outlined in Steve Promo's demos


Below are 2 pictures of a bird feeder that I made by recycling a Christmas tree.
The feeder is made from the trunk of a tree from a few years ago.
It is turned to shape and then 1 1/4 " holes are drilled to a depth of about 3/4" and the dowels are added for a perch.
The holes are packed with nutty peanut butter. The birds love it during the colder weather.
They can be turned from dry stock or green.