Thursday, August 17, 2023

12 August 2023 Club Mtg and Demo

 The club met at the St Ignace High School.  The room was being replaced and during the demo there was a great deal of noise during the recording.  The club meeting in the class room was sheltered from the noise by the drop ceiling.

Steve Promo chaired the meeting.  There were a few show and tell items that will be covered in the video.  Four items were in the bring-backs that were raffled off.   There was one new member to the club.



Since, the demonstration was not on the club lathe the pictures were show with a small Canon camera without a tripod so the video is a little shaky.  

First, video is of Steve Promo demonstrating what he has been teaching high school students.  Each student is give some wood and is shown how to turn a 4-legged stool leg and then they spend the week turning three more legs.  Next he shows them how to turn the base from a 4-inch thick section of wood and then they turn their own.  The stool is theirs to keep.  

After Steve Promo finished turning the base to his 4-legged stool Gary Weiermiller showed how to use a sharp tool for smooth finish cut and then how to power sand the object starting at a finer grit sand paper.  

Unfortunately the room of the building was being removed and there was at times a lot of noise.  Still the two demonstrations were very good.