Wednesday, June 14, 2023

10 June 2023 Hiawatha Woodturners Club Meeting

 The club met at Steve Promo's house and shop.

The meeting started with a discussion of the items and books on the table.  

There were several chunks of wood brought back to the club and were lraffelled off to attendees.  Each raffel ticket cost 1$.  

There were a large number of items brought in for show and tell.  Turning and finishing lessons learned were discussed. 

Some of the items shown in the group show and tell items picture deserves a little extra attention.  The colors of the wood in this bowl were out standing.

Sam brought this box in (CA glue finish) and discussed the fitting of the lid.  He made the opening in he base and turned the lid to fit the measured opening diminsions, however, when finished it was a loose fit.  (I generaly turn the opening and then work the lid size down thru a series of test fits to get the proper fit.  - ajp2)

After the discussions Steve Promo demonstarted his duplication machine that he found  on in Port Huron, Michigan.  The unit came with the duplicator mounted on a frame that had large roller wheels.   Here is his talk.

The machine uses a variable speed motor turning both the master and the work material and a router to cut the wood.