Friday, February 25, 2022

Steve Promo Contrasting Round Curly Hard Maple wood Box

 Steve recently made a round box using Hard Curly Maple and Purple Heart wood.  Steve says: Directions for lidded box in curly hard maple with inlayed Purple Heart rim, foot, and finial will work for glue block or chuck method.  Here are the directions:

Note:  Steve use a glue block and a jam chuck.  The purple heart is glued to the base before the base is hollowed out and the inside is turned to create a jam chuck to hollow out the bottom of the top.  The bottom layer of purple heart is added using a jam chuck to hole the base for both gluing the purple heart on the base and to hollow the bottom out.  

Here is the final creation of Steve's:

Notice how the purple heart blends seamlessly into the base.  Any two contrasting woods would work. 

Thanks Steve for sharing the creation and giving us the design details.  Archie