Below are a Salt and Pepper grinder made for my grand daughter. The strips are epoxy paste placed in a grove. Near white for salt and black for pepper. The salt grinder has a ceramic grinder while the pepper has a stainless steel grinder.
The wood is curly maple and each is about eight inches high.
Below is a train display box I made for my grandson. He has a large number of wood trains. I used a router to put track groves in each shelf to help keep the trains in place.
The 3' wide by 2" high box is made from 1x4 pine boards with a clear coat finish. I ran out of boards and my neighbor Tom gave me a rough cut 1x5 and I planned it down to the 3/4" of the commercial board and cut it to the correct width and length. I used a router jig to cut the track groves using a Rockler router bit designed for cutting the track groves. I used dado blades mounted on my Montgomery Wards radial arm saw to cut the slots for the shelves. I tried using my router table but could not keep both boards straight. The radial arm saw allowed the boards to be fasten to the table top for cutting. Perfect every time. The top is reinforced so you can hang it on the wall. The back is 1/8 inch luan wood I got from DoItBest. On the back I center two 16 inch apart mounting holes partially drilled from the back.