Sunday, July 12, 2020

Off Center Spindle Turning by Archie

Fellow turners I have been experimenting with off center turning.  I have seen bowls done with off center turning in the AAW magazine so I thought I would give it a try.  Only, I did in with spindles.  First I did the small one on the left using 1/2" off set from center.  The lines I drew on the turning were to test if I had it mounted correctly after I had if off the centers.  Then I did the middle one aslos with 1/2" offset.  At first it did not look like it does now.  It was fatter.  I then turned the one on the right.  It too was fatter.  I did not like the look so I put it back between centers and went at it again.  As I cut deeper into it, the final shape came and which I liked.  So I went back to the middle one and cut deeper into it.    I like the finally shape.  I showed the wife and suggested I put a base and top on for a candle holder.  She is still thinking about it.  It was fun doing it and I learned a lot about off center spindle turning.  The one on the left is spalted maple and the other two are red oak that was cut in 2013.  The red oak tears a lot and requires a lot more sanding.    What do you think?   Archie

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Cabinet Work by Steve Promo

Steve just remodeled a kitchen and made some cabinets.  Again expert work by Steve.
Looking forward to some more pictures of his work.   Well done Steve.-ajp2