Wednesday, October 24, 2018

New Location

At our November meeting the Hiawatha Woodturners will be meeting in our new home.  We have partnered with St. Ignace Lasalle High School and will have our equipment and meetings in the wood or metal shop at the school.  A few members got together yesterday ( Tuesday) and moved our gear to the new location.  Today Steve Promo and Tom Cadwalader were at the school doing three demonstrations for the wood shop classes.
Steve did a class room chalk talk with each group and then they all came into the shop for a woodturning demo by Steve.

Steve turned a mallet for the first group and then did a Box Elder platter for the other two groups.  I (Tom) ran the video system for the sessions.  I would have to say it's a win/win for both the school and the club.  Some stills from this afternoon.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Club News

Recently I (Tom Cadwalader) was asked to provide some turnings for a display at the Cheboygan Area Public Library.  I was happy to oblige.  The display was there for the month of September and garnered a lot of attention I was told.  Picture of the display is below.  There is a little bit of everything I make in the display.

Our next meeting is this Saturday at the the Moran Maintenance building.  We start at 9:30 am.  This month Steve Promo will be demo-ing how to make a mallet.  Hope to see you there.