Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Negative Rake Scraper Info

At our last meeting Jim lead a discussion about negative rake scrapers. Jim was telling us how several of the demonstrators at the national symposium where using them to do the final cuts to there work. 

Below is a link to Rudy Lopez web site. It should land you on the PDF article about negative rake scrapers. At the bottom of the article it will tell where to look for more info. Specificly it references an article in a past AAW Journal. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

New Turnings

I haven't been on my lathe at all this year.  The last I turned was just before Christmas.  I have had other projects that I needed to be working on.
We needed a gift for a wedding and my wife suggested I turn a wine bottle coaster and a re-corker.  So I did.  I made 4 sets.  One from beech and maple and two from boxelder.
The pictures below show the beech, maple and one of the boxelder.  The fourth is wrapped up with a bottle of wine and gone.

It felt good to be back in the shop turning.  I have a bunch of coffee mugs that I need to get doe next.