Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Trays and Boxes by Jim Rutledge

I haved turned a number of wooden platters approximately 12 to 15 inches with a carved or burned in theme such as eagles, loons and turtles.  The one pictured has brook trout, brown trout, and rainbow trout and is decorated using the phantom basket technique. 

The platter is decorated on the back with some burned in flies and fly rods.

The small boxes shown are patterns from a book on turning boxes by Chris Stott.  Chris was a presenter at the St. Paul Symposium in St. Paul, Mn. last year.  I enjoyed his demonstration and turning technigues and finally bought his book and took the time to turn some of his recommended patterns.  The average size is 3 x 3.

Turned by Jim Rutledge

Box Elder Vessel by Jim Rutledge

This box elder vessel is turned from wood cut from a friends hunting property near Lansing, Mi. in February 2012.  I brought home a small pickup load of this wood.  The grain pattern is stunning with brilliant red looking like fire.  It was fun turning the green wood.  This piece is approximately 6h x 7w.  I dried it by microwaving then turning with danish oil inside it until the oil penetrated all the way through.  It has distorted to an oval but no cracks or checks in the finish.

Jim Rutledge

Jim Rutledge

I am happy to post this picture of this turning which is loosely based on a picture of a Native American seed carrier.  Happy because this is my third attempt.  The first attempt came off the lathe after an overly aggressive gouge cut.  The second was cut in half from the inside, after taking "just one last cut".  This one held together.  More postings later.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ballerina Shelf Posted by Garry Smith

The Shelf can be hung on a wall

The top shelf is made from curly maple

The shelf can also be free standing
The legs are made with cherry

And you guys thought there wasn't any turning involved didn't you?
I turned the post for the top support to mimic the legs so it would not be too noticable behind the legs from the front.
The post is also curly maple

The idea for the shelf came from a visit with our twin grandaughters after Christmas.
They take dance lessons

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Vessel from a Cedar Burl

After you are turning for awhile,  friends and people that you know in your local community, offer you a piece of wood.  That is exactly how this piece got started.  Someone who has a summer place on Bois Blanc Island offer me this burl.  It appears to be native white cedar.  It has lots of character in that it has voids ( holes for you non turners) and it even has worm tracks through it.  

This Hollow Vessel is about 10" in diameter and stands 6 inches tall.  It was taller but flew off the lathe in the early stages of hollowing and had to be shortened so as to be able to re-chuck it in the lathe and finish hollowing.  The finish is Danish Oil, buffed by hand with a patch of wool fabric.

This will be for sale once my wife Gloria and I settle on a price.  
Our membership has been talking about a formal discussion on pricing.  I think we need to do that ASAP.  By having a better handle on the value of our work will help turners of all skill levels.  

Turned by T J Cadwalader

Natural Edge Bowls

The bowls shown above were all turned green and then finished all in one session.  All 3 are maple from the same tree.  The middle sized one is crotch wood and thus has 3 peaks in height instead of 2 like the larger one.  The larger bowl is approximately 10" wide by 4" high.  The middle sized bowl is about 5" wide by 2 " tall.  The smaller bowl is 4" in diameter and stands 1 1/4 " tall.  All 3 bowls have a Danish Oil finish over a sealer of wax free shellac.

All 3 bowls will be for sale, the price is yet to be determined.
Turned by T J Cadwalader

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hello....thanks for stopping by.  This blog is currently in the early stages of development.  Please check back in the days ahead to see what our members have been working on.