Thursday, November 8, 2018

New Video

Turners, I have just uploaded a video demonstration.  It is Steve Promo demonstrating turning a carving mallet for the students of the woodworking class at the LaSalle High School, our new home.
This is a revised version of this video.
Click for movie

1 comment:

  1. Nice job with demo video and stills Tom. Urge our members to have a GREAT January meeting as the recent article about our club moving to the school woodshop appeared in the local paper and might generate public interest in attending. Bring your work to show, even if it a piece you made a while ago when you were just starting out and maybe a more recent piece that shows improved technique/results. I moved my JET mini to the school shop and encourage any member with the time to demo for the students on it or the club lathe during school hours. Mr Postma can arrange this. Class groups are at 8am, 9am, and 12 noon, lasting 50 min each. They for sure would like to see a spin top demo as I left them blanks and a collet draw bar chuck for that. Duck calls would be another great demo.
